Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Epic Begins

As I sit in my fold up chair inside my closet, I wonder about my life. Where is it going, where does the journey of this life take me. I have many choices in life and here I am siting in a closet. My dreams are slowly collapsing into locations, digits, costs, and friendly or deadly faces. I must decide now where I want to be for years to come.

I received the keys to my house yesterday, I just finished closing on my first home. It was probably the most interesting experience I've ever faced. On one hand, it was like wondering in a forest after dark, I didn't know where I was going, I didn't even know if I would qualify for the loan, and yet here I was perpetuating the experience that was slowly squashing the breathe out of my lungs. Now I have the keys, that trial of life is passed, and I'm finally taking my first breathe of fresh air, its incredibly toxic, I have the biggest bounty on my head I have ever seen. A loan that has attached itself to my body as if to feed off of the blood that flows in my veins. A parasite of epic proportions. This parasite though very deadly harbors the most intense and pleasurable chance to start my own experience of life. Even after closing, and having the keys I still find it difficult to imagine that I own a home, this house is mine...outside of the fact that I still owe money on it.

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